
お好み焼きは、海外で「Japanese Pancake」と記載されることも多いですが、
How to cook Okonomiyaki(お好み焼きの作り方)
Ingredients for four servings(直径約15cm×4枚分の材料)
- 200 glams flour(薄力粉:200g)
- 2 eggs(卵:2個)
- 1 cup water(水:1カップ)
- 1 tablespoon granulated broth(顆粒だし:大さじ1)
- 2 tablespoon tempura bits(天かす/揚げ玉:大さじ2)
- 1/4 cabbage(キャベツ:1/4個)
- some vegetable oil(サラダ油:適量)
- 薄切り豚バラ肉(thinly sliced pork belly)
- シーフードミックス(seafood mix)
- お餅(rice cake/mochi)
- チーズ(cheese)
- 紅生姜(red pickled ginger)
For topping
- some okonomiyaki sauce(お好み焼きソース:適量)
- some mayonnaise(マヨネーズ:適量)
- some dried bonito flakes(鰹節:適量)
- some green laver(青のり:適量)

- 3 and 1/2 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce(中濃ソース:大さじ3と1/2)
- 1 and 1/2 tablespoon ketchup(ケチャップ:大さじ1と1/2)
- 2 and 1/2 teaspoon oyster sauce(オイスターソース:小さじ2と1/2)
- 1 and 1/2 teaspoon sugar(砂糖:小さじ1と1/2)
1. How to cut ingredients(材料の切り方)
Cut the cabbage into chopped.
2. How to cook Okonomiyaki mixture(お好み焼き生地の作り方)
Mix the eggs well in a bowl but don’t whip the eggs.
Pour the water and the granulated broth into the same bowl and mix gently.
Put the flour into the mixture and mix until no clumps and mixture is smooth.
Put the cabbage into the mixture and mix.
3. How to fry Okonomiyaki(焼き方)

Heat the pan over a high heat and grease the oil.
Spread out a quarter of the dough that you have prepared into a circle with a diameter of about 15 cm.
After browning one side, flip it over and cook with a lid on over low heat until it’s cooked through.
Serve on a plate and add okonomiyaki sauce, mayonnaise, dried bonito flakes and green laver and it’s ready to eat!
Tips on how to cook(その他のオススメ情報)
- You reduce the amount of flour by half and instead mix in the same amount of grated nagaimo (Chinese yam) into the dough, it will increase the fluffiness.(小麦粉を半量にし、代わりにすりおろした長芋をいれることでふわふわ感を増すこともできます)
I introduced how to cook Okonomiyaki.
If you are interested why don’t you try to cook it!